Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Theft Defense Attorney in Lawrenceville

Question: I found a pair of earnings in my floor after stepping on one of them. I told the person who I thought left them that I found them. She didn't even know she lost them. She came over the next day and still did not get them. Its been months since I talked or seen her. she showed up at my door today wanting them. I can not find them anywhere. Now She said if I didn't find them by tonight she would call the police. I have a 5 yr old son who touches and plays with anything he finds. They are not where I placed them. They could be lost again, vacuumed up, or thrown away. Its not my responsibility to keep up with stuff that someone leaves or loses at my home.i did not steal them, sell them, or give them away. Can I go to jail for something like this?

Answer: You can IF the police officer decides to file for a warrant. Because it has been months, the police will probably tell the victim to pursue you civilly. Good luck.

Answered by Lawrence Lewis - Theft Defense Attorney in Lawrenceville

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About Me

I hung a shingle in February 2000, because I saw that individuals charged with criminal offenses were being underserved by the attorneys practicing criminal law. Since February 2000, I have represented more than two thousand criminal clients. I only practice criminal law, but I do everything from violations of probation to Supreme Court appeals. There are few attorneys under the age of sixty that have my level of experience. I have tried more than two hundred major felony jury trials. I have tried more than fifty misdemeanor jury trials. In Philadelphia as a prosecutor, I tried more than two thousand bench trials. I have conducted more than three thousand preliminary hearings and bond hearings. Yet, I still have the energy at forty-five to serve my current clients. There is nothing that will occur in a courtroom that I have not experienced before. When you are looking for an attorney, experience is everything.