Sunday, February 10, 2013

Drug Defense Attorney in Lawrenceville

Question: My boyfriend was living with his brother in law and sister in Georgia. The brother in law sold drugs to an under cover cop. The house was searched and found in a safe, was my boyfriend's medication from his wreck. The bottle with his name on it was in the safe, and pills were distributed in bags, (trafficking). Also, I believe a pretty fair amount of marijuana was in the safe. However, my boyfriend didn't even know the combination to the safe, and was not the one selling. After the house was searched he was told he was free to go so he went to Florida to stay with another family member. Later he found out he had warrants for his arrest in Georgia for this incident. How much time is he looking at?

Answer: Depends on what he was charged with. I suspect that all the contents of the safe will be charged to him.

Answered by Lawrence Lewis - Drug Defense Attorney in Lawrenceville

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About Me

I hung a shingle in February 2000, because I saw that individuals charged with criminal offenses were being underserved by the attorneys practicing criminal law. Since February 2000, I have represented more than two thousand criminal clients. I only practice criminal law, but I do everything from violations of probation to Supreme Court appeals. There are few attorneys under the age of sixty that have my level of experience. I have tried more than two hundred major felony jury trials. I have tried more than fifty misdemeanor jury trials. In Philadelphia as a prosecutor, I tried more than two thousand bench trials. I have conducted more than three thousand preliminary hearings and bond hearings. Yet, I still have the energy at forty-five to serve my current clients. There is nothing that will occur in a courtroom that I have not experienced before. When you are looking for an attorney, experience is everything.