Friday, July 22, 2011

Felony Defense Attorney in Atlanta

Question: If i pleaded to a theft by taking felony and I was a first offender I did probation, community, service and I paid a fine will that being on my record even though the clerk submitted information to the GCIC to update my file. Will it have an impact on me if I was trying to get a job in the medical field

Answer: You completed a first offender felony probation. Therefore on your record employers will see felony arrest and under disposition, they will see first offender. There is no sealing or expunging that. Will it have an impact? Of course. How much of an impact? That depends. It depends on the employers need (how much they need you), your competition (how many others that have no record that are going for the same job), if the employers understands what first offender really is, if the employer cares to find out what first offender is after they see a felony arrest on your record.

Answered By Lawrence Lewis - Felony Defense Attorney in Atlanta

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About Me

I hung a shingle in February 2000, because I saw that individuals charged with criminal offenses were being underserved by the attorneys practicing criminal law. Since February 2000, I have represented more than two thousand criminal clients. I only practice criminal law, but I do everything from violations of probation to Supreme Court appeals. There are few attorneys under the age of sixty that have my level of experience. I have tried more than two hundred major felony jury trials. I have tried more than fifty misdemeanor jury trials. In Philadelphia as a prosecutor, I tried more than two thousand bench trials. I have conducted more than three thousand preliminary hearings and bond hearings. Yet, I still have the energy at forty-five to serve my current clients. There is nothing that will occur in a courtroom that I have not experienced before. When you are looking for an attorney, experience is everything.