Question: Hello there I need help in regards to this matter. I took my dog to the vet (terrier,pit mix). He was going there to get his rabies shot and the tech bent down as she bent down my dogs head came down to see what she was doing and they collided. She go two stitches in her lip. She went to the hospital and unbeknowest to myself she said the dog bit her. The vet was thier and said it was an accident but the hospital wants to quaratine my dog for 10 days. They said the reason was to make sure he doesn't have rabies. My dog is a house dog only goes outside to play has no aggression at all he plays will my 3 year old son. Is there a way to get an injunction against this? And get redemption for the other pet owners that are out there that have pitbulls and are given a bad wrap by people like her. She lied said my dog bit her face???? Vet was thier I was thier no growling or barking or anything everyone was fine until she desided to lie at the hospital.
Answer: Yes, you can get an emergency injunction. Make sure you collect some funds from all of the other pet owners that want redemption, because it will cost upwards of $ 7500. Indignation costs. Good luck.
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