Friday, December 30, 2011

Mentoring: Growth After Formal Schooling

I have attended a number of seminars since school formally ended in 1995.  I have repeatedly heard different speakers recommend that audience members seek out mentors.  While I suspect that it is widely accepted that acquiring a mentor is invaluable for gaining in-depth insight and experience in a particular area, I also expect that most people are like me in that they either: (1) do not want to pay for mentoring (if money is involved it starts to smell like tutoring, not mentoring); and/or (2) do not know where to begin their search for a mentor.  Some folks go to church for their guidance, but I have found that the pastor quoting First Peter, chapter 3, verse 7 [“likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them (wives) according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife”] – does not help me gain any actual knowledge into how I need to conduct myself as a husband.  I continue to search for mentors in the five areas most germane to my life: 
  1. Transformational Growth
  2. Health 
  3. Finance and Money 
  4. Marriage  
  5. Child Rearing 

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About Me

I hung a shingle in February 2000, because I saw that individuals charged with criminal offenses were being underserved by the attorneys practicing criminal law. Since February 2000, I have represented more than two thousand criminal clients. I only practice criminal law, but I do everything from violations of probation to Supreme Court appeals. There are few attorneys under the age of sixty that have my level of experience. I have tried more than two hundred major felony jury trials. I have tried more than fifty misdemeanor jury trials. In Philadelphia as a prosecutor, I tried more than two thousand bench trials. I have conducted more than three thousand preliminary hearings and bond hearings. Yet, I still have the energy at forty-five to serve my current clients. There is nothing that will occur in a courtroom that I have not experienced before. When you are looking for an attorney, experience is everything.