Answer: Your "real" cousin would call you, hand you a debit card with your "real" aunt`s name on it, then ask you to go into the bank, because she did not want to be seen my anyone that knew your aunt. Is that correct? And at no time did you find that suspicious? You know both your aunt and cousin, but that scheme did not seem suspicious to you? In the two months that your cousin was asking you to help her steal from your aunt, you never once bothered to make a cell call to your aunt to ask any questions? Should you take the pre-trial diversion? Absolutely NOT. First, you write that you did nothing wrong, and did not benefit. Second, if you have so little insight into what is going on in your own family (cousin`s relationship with aunt) and so little sense to see that your cousin is stealing from your aunt, you will never make two years on probation. Within six months you are going to violate your probation, when some other thief or drug dealer convinces you to participate in some hair-brained plan that seems legitimate to you. You need a jury trial. I think if you put these facts to any jury outside of Fulton or DeKalb county you will be found guilty. However, in Fulton and DeKalb County jurors know there are folks walking around without the good sense that God gave them, and that is where your hope lies. I suspect that you are in Fulton ro DeKalb, because no other county would offer you this sweetheart deal that you are describing here. Plead guilty to three felonies and get your record expunged. That doesn`t even sound correct, but you can write us again in two years Good luck.
Answered By Lawrence Lewis - Felony Offense Lawyer
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